
It has been a while since I updated, but that is only because things got crazy in the months of August and September. I’ve left Virginia and the Public Library for Ohio and an Academic Library.  I have recently become an Interim Liason Librarian at a small liberal arts college. I am very much enjoying all of the new skills I am learning and am especially enjoying the fact that I now get to teach Information Literacy classes.

I am also very grateful to be back in Libraryland other wise known as the State of Ohio. When I was away in Virginia, I really missed the way in which Ohio libraries work together to provide quality services to an entire state. On the Academic side there is the OhioLINK consortium that allows pretty much any academic library to borrow from any other.  Working in a small college, I recognize how huge this service is for our students.

On the public side, there are multiple public library consortia including MORE, CLEVNET,  and The Greater Access library card. All of these help patrons access the information they are looking for in a quick, efficient manner. Also on the public side are the OPLIN databases. Every public library card holder in the state of Ohio can access quality databases (Including many fabulous EBSCO resources)  from the library and from home.

I love that my home state is so progressive when it comes to librarianship.

2 responses to “Changes

  1. Sounds like you didn’t like Virginia, I’m thinking of applying for a library job in the Hampton Roads area, would you recommend the area as a good place to work?

  2. I didn’t mean for my post to sound as if I didn’t like Virginia. In fact, my experience in Virginia was a very positive one. I was able to develop professionally under the guidance of a very supportive management team. As far as recommending the area as a good place to work, I would say that no matter which library you end up working in, be it Hampton Roads or somewhere else, you should be able and willing to make the job a learning experience. Librarianship is a profession that promotes the idea of lifelong learning, and if you look at each new career path as a learning opportunity you will find that you can grow both personally and professionally.

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